Lily Adventuring

March 6th Menu

Breakfast: Toast with plum-pear jam, a caffe latte, and ciocco ciuffy.

Lunch: A panini from that little shop with pear, bresaola, brie, parmesan, and arugula.

Tea: A small pot of black tea and then later a chocolate éclair thing (only labled as “paste” along with several other items).

Dinner: Olive, onion, and sausage pizza, then focaccia with gorgonzola dolce, then pizza with marinara sauce and garlic, and then a verdura pizza with eggplant, green olives, and onion. All of which were homemade, of course. Then an orange (which had stains of red in it—like a tulip!—because it’s late in the season) and a single amaretto cookie for dessert.


P.S. I’m so sorry I forgot to post this yesterday!! I was feeling pretty stressed about some travel stuff and by the time I remembered about this it was very late and I was very, very tired. So I just skipped it and went to sleep.

One comment on “March 6th Menu

  1. Heather Campbell
    March 21, 2014

    Where did these funny pictures come from? I know that Dante went to Hell, but I’m not sure he’d approve of under the sea. (Well, maybe if Virgil was along).

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This entry was posted on March 7, 2014 by .