Lily Adventuring

about me

Hi, all! My name is Lily and I’m a junior at Macalester College. I’m about to begin the Associated Colleges of the Midwest Arts in Context program in Florence and London.

About me:
Claremont, CA (although I grew up in Tempe, AZ)
Major: Art and Literature as Cultural Texts, a self-designed major combining mostly Art History and English with some Theater, Film, and Cultural Studies on the side
Interests: Books, music, and tea times with friends
Why I chose this program: I was stunned to find a program that so closely aligns with the goals of my self-designed major–I just had to pick it! Plus I love the opportunity to see the Renaissance art I’ve studied in person without giving up on plays in London (and visa versa!).
What I’m most excited about: See above: art and plays! And gelato and cobbled streets and British accents and funny Italian apartment buildings and Flower Walk in the springtime…
Top loves of my life: food (especially pasta and dim sum, but also everything else), books, the things I’m studying in my major, photography, Benedict Cumberbatch (shhh don’t tell me that I’m not allowed to love people I’ll never meet), fandom in general, and… family/friendpersons. I guess they make the list. They’re pretty cool.

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