Lily Adventuring

February 5th Menu

Breakfast: Black tea, a teeny bit of applesauce cake, and toast with pear jam.

Lunch: Bread with pesto and nutella (not together!), some clementines, and a bit of cheese.

Dinner: Risi e bisi (mmm so warm and comforting with the rain coming down outside) and then broccoli and thin steaks stuffed with frittatas after. Cherry-plum cookies for dessert.


I don’t have any meal pictures again today, so instead here’s a picture of the color olive oil is when it has been sealed in an air-tight container immediately after being pressed. Jeanie and Fabio make their own olive oil, so every time they re-fill this bottle for the table, this is the color the olive oil starts out as! Then it slowly fades to the goldeny color I’m used to.

2 comments on “February 5th Menu

  1. mike tschudi
    February 5, 2014

    Still life with olive oil–lovely!

  2. Heather Campbell
    February 5, 2014

    Wow! That is amazing! thanks for the photo. Love, Mama

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This entry was posted on February 5, 2014 by .